Race and race relations are not easy topics.
The recent [events in Charlottesville show that we have not come far from two years ago when it comes to the issue of race in America. The issue in 2015 were prompted by] high-profile deaths in Ferguson, New York, Cleveland and elsewhere. [They all] highlight a struggle we are having as a country. It may simmer just under the surface most of the time, but the bubbling over of recent protests are an indication that race relations is not an issue we can ignore.
Moreover, the statistics regarding race in this country are not encouraging. Today, 27%
of African Americans live in poverty compared to only ten percent of
whites. More than 60% of the people in prison are now racial and ethnic
minorities. For black males in their thirties, 1
in every 10 is in prison on any given day. Blacks make up around 13
percent of the U.S. population, but account for almost 40
percent of prison inmates.
[In 2015], the Christian Legal Society Washington, D.C. Attorney Chapter sponsored an excellent panel discussion in response to these issues, titled: "What about Ferguson: A Christian's perspective on race relations in America's criminal justice system." The panel featured attorneys Lorenzo Bellamy and Heather Pinckney and Pastors Thabiti Anyabwile and Tom Tarrants. The room was packed.
- Racism is result of the Fall. It is sin and we need to admit that the only true solution to healing racism and race relations is Jesus Christ. He died for all of us. He leveled the playing field. And as Christians, we should be able to model the love of Christ to each other, leading by example for the rest of society.
- There is no one group that is guilty of racism. We must all own our sin, confess it to the Lord and each other, and reach beyond it.
- As lawyers, we need to know that the criminal justice system treats African Americans different than other races. We should be looking for solutions and not ignoring or denying the problem.
- Christians must demonstrate a gospel that is able to overcome ethnic, cultural, and racial barriers, otherwise, what do we have to offer the society at large? Our "religion" must not be meaningless.
- Finally, the most racist group of people in the country are Evangelicals, according to recent polls. (As my African-American colleague at CLS mentioned, Sunday is the most segregated day in America.)
I commend the CLS DC Chapter, who had a packed house, for continuing this important national discussion.
The road to repairing race relations in this country is a long one and will not be travelled overnight. And one of the final comments from the panel was that it is great to discuss it, but nothing will change unless we "discuss and" -- do something after talking about it.
So, what can we do? I wish I had the easy answer. But for now, I will look to make changes in my own life -- answering this question: "Where is there an opportunity in your life to make a change in the right direction?"